Songs Both new and New (To You) On Today's Hit Alternative
Released May 16th,2023

The talented artist from Knoxville, Tennessee has announced the release of a new album titled "Ultrapure." The first title"Body" was released as a single on May 16th before the full album release in September. The track focuses on Maroney's path to his success and embracing life as it is while there's still time.
I'm a huge fan of this artist, so I recommend this song, as well as the rest of his discography.
Released April 14th,2023

The indie pop band from Los Angeles released this single "Loving You" in mid-April and my only regret is not having heard it earlier.
The band Cannons is recognized for their ethereal house music/EDM sound. It's become a staple for the band and fits their L.A. roots well.
The track is a love song dedicated to their fans who have supported the band throughout their journey, according to an interview with Broadway World. Definitely give it a listen and stay tuned to hear it on 89.1.
Released July 2019

Our first track that's more of a "New To You" title. A title that's worth sharing, however "old" it might be.
"Was It Something I Said" by MyKey fits the genre of "Bedroom Pop" and gives off somewhat of a "distancing couple" vibe or maybe that of a messy breakup anthem. The song itself is quite soft, but catchy all the same. The original version was released in the summer of 2019, but artist MyKey also collaborated with fellow indie artist Cavetown in 2020, which features an entirely different bridge near the conclusion of the song. I highly recommend both versions of the track.
Nosebleeds - MisterWives
Released May 5th,2023

Written amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, lead singer Mandy Lee in an interview with Atwood Magazine had this to say about the track and its influence on the forthcoming album:
‘Nosebleeds’ was one of the first songs I wrote for the album before realizing it would later become the song to spark the overarching theme of the record. Being kept high up in the nosebleeds and on the outside of where you want to be has been a recurring dynamic in my life, especially in an industry that has profited off moving the goalpost or cutting ties if you don’t conform to how they see fit.”
Lee went on to state the track also states the importance of finding and connecting with your inner-child, who is often the best version of yourself.
I love this track because it has such a powerful message without becoming too messy in its sound. Tune in to The Bash to hear this new track from the band MisterWives.